Saturday, October 1, 2011


While Amit was up in Keene, since there was no internet access and it was too early in the season for our favorite shows, he found himself doing a lot more reading. A LOT. He found some books at a bookstore near his dental office, so we've been adding to our library. We were driving around on Friday and saw a sign at the Needham Library advertising their semi-annual book sale. Since Amit is now obsessed with reading, he decided we had to go. So we did. We ended up buying nine books for $9! What a great deal! We're heading back tomorrow afternoon since books are 50% tomorrow. Looks like we'll need to build some more bookshelves when we move to our new destination.

Can you guess which one is meant for Emma? 
 I think she likes it!
I got a book by Temple Grandin, which I am SO excited to read.
Amit bought a lot of other good looking books.
I found two vintage Winnie the Pooh books, which I was psyched about. 
And the highlight? An old children's book about a fat kid who visualizes a gorilla and 
somehow that makes him not like junk food and lose weight. Hilarious!

I also read this great article on CNN by one of Amit's favorite authors, James Patterson. I think he makes a great point - just read what interests you, then try to branch out a little. Looks like I'll be printing this and adding it to my teaching bag of tricks. Now go read:

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